My experience with Covid-19

You might already have downloaded this ebook, but in case you haven’t I wanted to introduce you to my Nutritional Therapy guide for immunity. I created this ebook as so many of my friends got Covid-19 over the past two years and I have supported many of them to enhance their immune system and recover more quickly while reducing the chances of getting long covid. The nutritional therapy in this ebook is not something that I came up with, but it is based on scientific research which you will find at the end of the document. We come across viruses every single day, but we do not all or always get sick. This is because we have systems in place in our body to fight foreign bodies that enter the body. You can find it here.

I got Covid twice, and I know very well that my immune system was compromised both times, the first due to exhaustion and sleeplessness and the second from gut dysbiosis with which I suffer from at the moment and I confirmed by a stool test as the markers that indicate the immune response in the gut are completely out of balance.

The first time the symptoms lasted longer, although they were not that intense. I had 2-3 days of fever, extremely intense headache and body pains, tiredness, loss of taste and smell after day 5 and a bit of breathlessness. The second time I only had one day of intense headache and fever and then nothing at all! The second time was 6 months after the first time and I had so many antibodies that my body new really well how to fight it (and I know because I had checked my antibodies 6 months after the first incident).

The nutritional therapy in this document is what helped me both times. I wanted to add that these suggestions are also great for when you get vaccinated to support your body in response to the substances.

Please know that it is always best to consult a nutritional therapist especially when taking higher dosages of supplementation. High dosages are only to be used short term and with taking into consideration any medication or conditions you might be experiencing.

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