Empowered pregnancy and birth

If you follow me on Instagram you probably know that I am obsessed with the topic of pregnancy, birth and motherhood. It always has been my greatest passion but only since I experienced it myself I felt brave enough to admit it and make it part of my expertise and offerings. Apart from my expertise in pregnancy yoga and nutrition I am currently also taking a doula training in order to support women in the birth room and I am so excited.

But here I am to announce the relaunch of my online program that I created while I was pregnant with my baby girl in order to help you and our sisters navigate through the sometimes confusing, possibly overwhelming and unfortunately sometimes even traumatic time in a woman’s life. My deep desire is for all women to have positive experiences in pregnancy, birth and beyond as they make educated choices, get appropriately prepared and feel empowered.

So what’s new?

Herbs for pregnancy: Find out which herbs help to prepare you for shorter labour, help you increase you iron, tone the uterus and much more

Treating mastitis: Before reaching for the antibiotics I offer 11 simple and effective ways to treat mastitis.

How to create your birth cave: How to set-up your space to feel safe, calm and confident for birth.

Plus a lot more. This is an invitation to journey with me in this new adventure that you are in. I would LOVE to support you.

What do you get once you sign-up:

-Yoga flows for pregnant mamas and pregnancy yoga for VERY pregnant mamas

-Several topics around nutrition such as mindset nutrition and optimal nutrition for pregnancy, supplementation during pregnancy to avoid common side effects (indigestion, constipation), pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes prevention, herbs for pregnancy

-Birth choices and preparation videos such as introduction to Hypnobirthing, delayed cord clamping, creating your birthing cave, preparing your body for birth as well

-Access to monthly online mama-to-be circle for a complimentary pregnancy yoga practice and discussion

-Access to private Whatsapp group with other mamas and myself for support

What you get in total:

16 videos

10 audios

4 Pdf’s

Lot’s of supportive material, resources and insights

Live zoom and whatsapp support

Please reply to this email to ask any questions or set-up a short call to discuss find out whether this program is for you. Maybe you know a pregnant woman who will benefit from it.

Love and light,


Photos by the amazing Sarah Stirk https://www.sarahstirkphotography.co.uk/ www.instagram.com/sarahstirkphotography

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